
Entrepreneurial Studies

We Build Self-Starters

Encouraging an entrepreneurial mindset in students allows them to exceed the demands of an ever-changing career landscape. New Hampton’s Entrepreneurial Studies Program teaches students to identify gaps, catalyze ideas, and create opportunities through collaboration, innovation, and the recognition that failure is part of progress. We inspire that elusive“X” factor in our students as we build more than start-ups—we build self-starters.

Skillsets & Mindsets

Our students learn resiliency and tenacity through learning opportunities that foster a mind open to failure and growth. Some examples include:

Human-Centered Design: Students are challenged to use their imagination and skills to create ingenious solutions to everyday problems. Rooted in a creative, human-centered process, it integrates design, engineering, technology, and practical skills for social benefit.

Financial Modeling: Students evaluate economies, goods, and services, and create business organizations that serve their local community. They analyze how sales and operations affect a company’s bottom line through financial/accounting management and interactions with current business professionals in related fields.

Entrepreneurial Startups: Students use their knowledge and skills to launch a start-up that will run throughout the duration of this class and, in some cases, beyond.

Real-World Application

Our Entrepreneurial Studies Program is the conduit to the outside world.

For some, this means continued work on an idea or business venture in an Independent Study; for others, we help harness their passions and pair them with an internship through our extended alumni and parent network. Either way, the student provides the spirit, and we offer the opportunity.

RIGHT: Gwen '25, Emma '25, and Sophia '25 promote their brand "Good Job Today" which raises awareness for mental health challenges.

Bill Goldberg '73

This is a great program because, as an entrepreneur, you have to think outside the box. Most people are afraid to make decisions. Remember, if you don’t make a decision, ultimately, the decision will be made for you. And most of the time, it won’t be what you wanted. So, Jump!


the Possibilities
Find out what keeps New Hampton students engaged. Individualized study provides opportunities to expand one's abilities, aspirations, and intellect.
70 Main Street, New Hampton, NH 03256 603-677-3400
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